
Inspiration for wholesome living

On turning 40 (3rd October 2022)

Oct 11, 2022

On turning 40..


Growing up, 40 seemed so far away. It was a number that was spoken of with such mixed emotion. Either you were ancient when you got to 40 & life as you knew it ended, or life only started at 40, & you became all you were meant to be all along. There was no inbetween. A milestone that was always either feared, or cherished.


All I can say, having just turned 40, is firstly, its just a number. I still feel like a ‘kid’. Secondly, & most importantly, what a blessing it is to AGE! A blessing not afforded to everyone.


When I look at photos of myself, now, or look in the mirror, I am grateful for the woman that I see, she kept getting back up, she kept moving forward, she embraced, she hurt, she loved, she learnt & still learns. She speaks her heart ♥ & mind. She defends those she loves with every fibre of her being.


I am grateful for each laugh ⚟ line, or crows foot, or frown line, because they speak of decades of belly laughter (my favourite), and wtf frowns!


I am grateful for each stretch mark because it reminds me of how my body has adapted and changed, has grown two beautiful little humans. I am grateful for my not so perky bewbs, because they not only fed my babies, but other prem babies whose moms just needed a few days to breathe & catch up & a helping hand. 🐮 🐄


When i look at my hands 👐 i see soft wrinkles & calluses, which reminds me of hundreds of adventures as a child, and with my husband, days out in the sun, the ocean, rocking climbing, out in the fields on the farm, out hiking, chopping wood, camping, carrying heavy things, because its just been us 2 for so long. Together, for half of my lifetime.


Beyond grateful for my family, who are each so different, but complete my ancestral history which runs so deeply in my veins. With pride.


My friends. You’ve added both to my laugh lines, or sometimes frowns, as I have yours, & that is priceless. Friendship is based on being your true self, comfortably. Judgement free.


Grateful for the opportunity to guide people to wellness. To walk a journey.


My heart is bursting. Pure joy & gratitude for this new decade.I Dont fear ageing! We are teachers & students, at the same time x

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