
Inspiration for wholesome living

Make your own make-up!

Jan 27, 2017

I love make-up. Sadly, I could never wear make-up without having a massive allergic reaction to it. My eyes would go red, they would swell up and I’d start to itch. My lips would also resemble what I can only describe as a bad collagen treatment. So I gave up on the idea of beautiful, daily make-up. Even the tiniest bit of mascara was a problem. I always loved the look of red lipstick and convinced myself that at some point in my older years I would outgrow these allergies and would finally don the gorgeous lipstick I saw on so many others. This never happened. I never found a brand I could wear comfortably, without a horrible, unsightly backlash that is. At least I know my husband loves me for my personality as well, hahah. He had to stare me in the face the next day. A whole lotta swollen face!
Anyhoo, the chemical side of make-up was the obvious trigger, that and the synthetics they use. I was also very bothered by the fact that many, if not most, of the top brands test their products on animals. I know how I felt all swollen, itchy and splotchy and that was from their ‘shelf ready’ approved, finished product. Can you imagine what those poor animals had to endure! Nope. So I moved on. With much research and trial and error I am now at a point where I can wear make-up, daily, if I like! All of this with ingredients out of my pantry and fridge and a few additions from Faithful to nature. Their Inthusiasm range is organic, chemical free and cruelty free!,  my go to online health store (also because I live 2 hours from the closest town and they deliver to my town post box, yay).
Now comes the fun part! Depending on the type of make-up you like to wear daily here are a few ingredients you can use to make your own make-up! Guilt free and chemical free.
I prefer nude shades and browns and a ‘smokey eye’ look for evenings or more dramatic effect. For this I use the following:
Brown eye shadow: raw cocoa (yip, just that) (add maizena when you want a lighter shade of brown)
Highlighter for under eyebrows on arch: maizena (corn starch) or arrow root powder.
Eye liner: activated charcoal (not only pretty on eyes but also great for teeth whitening, poisoning and tummy upset! Just don’t put it on your teeth and then appear in front of people, you will look like something from a Halloween horror movie.) for liquid liner, just mix the activated charcoal with a bit of water or liquid coconut oil.
Lips: depending on the situation, I either use fresh raw beetroot to just stain my lips nice and red or I use Inthusiasm’s ruby red lipstick. I smear a thin layer of coconut oil on for a gloss! Boom, I’m ready to roll! I also like their nude colour, for less drama and more housework.


For pinky lipgloss mix some beetroot juice/powder (go to your local healthstore or online and buy) into coconut oil for a lovely gloss.

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If you prefer more colour on your face, then try the following:

Green eyeshadow: spirulina (buy the supplement, crush the pills and voila. Eyeshadow! Eat a few, crush a few, win win) or matcha powder (green tea powder)

Image result for crushed spirulina powder
Pinks: beetroot powder. This will be lovely dark red. Then add some maizena or arrow root to lighten it to the right shade for you. Easy huh!

Image result for beetroot powder
Oranges: nutmeg or turmeric for bright orange or turmeric and maizena for lighter shades of orange. (do not use paprika or cayenne pepper unless you want watery burnt eyeballs to be your signature look for the day)

Lipstick/gloss is rather easy. Raw beetroot, as I mentioned. Or you can use the beetroot powder and maizena (pink mix) and add it to some coconut oil! The more concentrated you add the beetroot powder the more red, naturally. Put some in the fridge and let it set. Then dab some of that on your lips, voila, moisturising and pretty! Heck, if you like green or black lipstick play around with your eyeshadow options in the coconut oil base.

I have even made my own mascara by mixing 1tsp coconut oil, 1 1/2 tsp beeswax (all natural one) and 2 capsules of activated charcoal (for very dark black). (4 tsp aloe vera gel  + 1tsp shea butter are optional, I can’t use these on my skin but many people like to add them in). mix the coconut oil,beeswax together in a saucepan until they melt (the shea butter and aloe would go in now too). Then add the activated charcoal once your remove the pan from the heat. Allow to cool a touch then pour the runny mix into an empty mascara tube and brush, bought from a pharmacy or surplus store and BAM! Mascara! You can keep this for up to 4 months. Remember golden rule, if it starts to smell funny – chuck it!

I don’t wear foundation so it isn’t something I have tried to perfect yet, but here is how it is done. 1 part cornstarch (maizena, good for oil absorption) or arrowroot (which you will find at your healthstore or on faithful to nature) + 1 part bentonite clay (good for removing dirt, bacteria and absorbing oils) + dash of cocoa (the darker your skin, the more cocoa you add). Mix well until you reach desired colour. Keep it a sealed container. Give it a bash.

On that note, for natural moisturizer (which I also had to learn to make after every single store bought cream just ended in an allergic reaction) I use the following combo’s:

combo 1

2tbsp raw coconut oil/argan oil (anti bacterial, anti fungal, great moisturiser, anti ageing, glowing skin)

2 tbsp hemp oil (natural sunblock,

5 drops frankinsense essential oil (regenerates skin, anti-ageing, wrinkle prevention)

Mix together and keep in fridge if you prefer it solid like I do, or leave it in sealed container for runny consistency.

Combo 2 (good for normal to dry skin)

1/2 cup coconut oil

5 drops frankinsense oil

1/4 teaspoon vitamin E oil

3 drop myrrh (those wise men in the bible knew what they were doing)

1 teaspoon beeswax if you like your cream to stay solid!

Melt the beeswax and add to the coconut oil, add rest of ingredients and mix with a hand blender or whip it well by hand. Store in airtight container. I like to keep mine in the fridge. Cold and soothing.

Combo 3 (oily or acne prone skin type)

30ml argan oil

15ml hemp seed oil

3 drops frankinsense oil

1 drop myrrh essential oil

1 teaspoon vitamin E oil

mix well and use a few drops on your face as needed!

I also put pure argan oil on my face at night.


Natural beauty products!

Ze are ways and means. You can look great and still be chemical and guilt free.


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